2024: The milestones we achieved together in the name of animals
As we look forward to a year full of challenges and opportunities in 2025, with the aim of protecting even more animals, we would like to share the remarkable achievements of 2024 with you. Each and every number reflects our dedication and optimism, and the transformation of lives, made possible thanks to the support of all the individuals, foundations, and businesses that believe in our mission.

Veterinary Procedure in Romania
In 2024, our Imprints of Joy shelter continued to make a huge difference:
- Increased number of sterilizations: We performed 1,357 sterilizations (+13% compared to 2023), thanks to intensive weeks dedicated to both privately-owned and stray dogs and cats. A special thanks goes to the Susy Utzinger Foundation for covering the majority of the sterilization expenses.
- Veterinary care: Our clinic treated 1,938 animals, providing urgent care for 121 dogs and 72 cats.
- International adoptions: Although international decreased dropped by 20.74%, we are actively working to reverse this trend by expanding our partnerships in Germany and reopening adoptions in Italy, including our work with associations such as Fondazione Squadra 4 Zampe (Pavia) and L’Albero di Mais (Moncalieri).

Inmates at Poarta Alba prison
Inmates at the Poarta Alba prison project
Funded by the Italian Buddhist Union through the 8×1000 program, this project engaged 200 inmates, who participated in hands-on and educational activities for the animals, producing over 150 items which were then donated to families and animals cared for by Save the Dogs.

Milan Street Unit
MILANO: Friends on the streets, companions for life
Thanks to the 81 outings made by our Street Unit, we achieved the following in 2024:
- Assisted 236 people, 135 of whom were new cases;
- Provided support to 283 dogs and 70 cats, offering essential supplies and free veterinary care;
- Performed 86 sterilizations (+20% compared to 2023), and administered 272 vaccinations.
We would like to extend special thanks to the 13 volunteer veterinarians and 21 volunteers who assist our team twice weekly in assisting animals belonging to vulnerable people. This project continues to thrive thanks to the generous support of the Fondazione di Comunità Milano.

Veterinary Procedure in Southern Italy
SOUTHERN ITALY: Too Many Puppies
Since 2019, we have performed 4,090 sterilizations. This is a significant number, especially considering the ongoing issue of stray animals in regions like Calabria and Campania.
In the course of 2024, we carried out:
- 875 sterilizations in Campania, through collaborations with local veterinarians and the Rifugio del Cane San Francesco shelter in Castelvolturno;
- 245 sterilizations in Calabria, despite the region’s many structural challenges.

UKRAINE: The final numbers of our relief aid
In 2024, we continued our commitment to animals in Ukraine by performing 2,046 sterilizations between January and August, bringing the total to 5,487 procedures since 2023. We also distributed over 1,116 tons of food to abandoned and distressed animals.
We would like to thank our international partners, including the Edgard & Cooper Foundation, Blue Cross, World Animal Protection Netherlands, and Soi Dog Foundation, as well as all the donors who supported our efforts from the start of the conflict and through 2024.

Veterinary Procedure in Romania
In 2024, our Imprints of Joy shelter continued to make a huge difference:
- Increased number of sterilizations: We performed 1,357 sterilizations (+13% compared to 2023), thanks to intensive weeks dedicated to both privately-owned and stray dogs and cats. A special thanks goes to the Susy Utzinger Foundation for covering the majority of the sterilization expenses.
- Veterinary care: Our clinic treated 1,938 animals, providing urgent care for 121 dogs and 72 cats.
- International adoptions: Although international decreased dropped by 20.74%, we are actively working to reverse this trend by expanding our partnerships in Germany and reopening adoptions in Italy, including our work with associations such as Fondazione Squadra 4 Zampe (Pavia) and L’Albero di Mais (Moncalieri).

Inmates at Poarta Alba prison
Inmates at the Poarta Alba prison project
Funded by the Italian Buddhist Union through the 8×1000 program, this project engaged 200 inmates, who participated in hands-on and educational activities for the animals, producing over 150 items which were then donated to families and animals cared for by Save the Dogs.

Milan Street Unit
MILANO: Friends on the streets, companions for life
Thanks to the 81 outings made by our Street Unit, we achieved the following in 2024:
- Assisted 236 people, 135 of whom were new cases;
- Provided support to 283 dogs and 70 cats, offering essential supplies and free veterinary care;
- Performed 86 sterilizations (+20% compared to 2023), and administered 272 vaccinations.
We would like to extend special thanks to the 13 volunteer veterinarians and 21 volunteers who assist our team twice weekly in assisting animals belonging to vulnerable people. This project continues to thrive thanks to the generous support of the Fondazione di Comunità Milano.

Veterinary Procedure in Southern Italy
SOUTHERN ITALY: Too Many Puppies
Since 2019, we have performed 4,090 sterilizations. This is a significant number, especially considering the ongoing issue of stray animals in regions like Calabria and Campania.
In the course of 2024, we carried out:
- 875 sterilizations in Campania, through collaborations with local veterinarians and the Rifugio del Cane San Francesco shelter in Castelvolturno;
- 245 sterilizations in Calabria, despite the region’s many structural challenges.

UKRAINE: The final numbers of our relief aid
In 2024, we continued our commitment to animals in Ukraine by performing 2,046 sterilizations between January and August, bringing the total to 5,487 procedures since 2023. We also distributed over 1,116 tons of food to abandoned and distressed animals.
We would like to thank our international partners, including the Edgard & Cooper Foundation, Blue Cross, World Animal Protection Netherlands, and Soi Dog Foundation, as well as all the donors who supported our efforts from the start of the conflict and through 2024.