Spring is a delicate time for our beloved dogs because their health is threatened by two severe diseases, spread by some parasites: heart worm disease and Leishmania. The guests in our shelters make no exception and Save the Dogs has the duty to protect all of them.
Until some year ago, these two diseases were not present in the area of Romania in which we work. Specifically, heart worm disease appeared just a few years ago and the threat of Leishmania is even more recent and the budget for the prevention has lifted unexpectedly.
In order to protect the dogs from those diseases that threaten their health, Save the Dogs decided to have an integrated approach. We will give to all the dogs a specific collar and an antiparasitic medicine; also we will reduce the presence of mosquitos in the areas dedicated to our dogs through specific US machines, worth about 2.500 Euros, that will ensure the protection against parasite and are an investment for the future.
We calculated that protect a dog from heart worm disease and Leishmania with this strategy costs 50 Euros per dog, a number that multiplied for the 500 guests in our shelter, equals an expense of 25.000 Euros. It is a really big expense for Save the Dogs, especially in a moment so challenging for the association!
This is why a generous donor decided to offer us a very valuable help: until the 31st of May he will double all the donations we will receive for the prevention of Leishmania and heart worm disease creating the campaign “Your love is worth the double”.
Two weeks since the beginning of this charity “race” we can affirm that the mechanism worked and to this moment* we raised almost 6.000 Euros! It is a great result, but in order to reach the goal we need all of our friends.
Help us to run this race, a competition in which the winners will be our dogs and their health!
*Until 28th of April