Adoptions abroad – Controversy in Italy

Adoptions abroad – Controversy in Italy

Adoptions abroad – Controversy in Italy Sara Turetta’s declaration Panic has broken out following contacts between Catania’s municipal administration and a number of associations with a view to having German families adopt a certain number of dogs kept in the...
Geronimo is out of danger!

Geronimo is out of danger!

Geronimo is out of danger! Geronimo was extremely sick, tired and hungry. Your help was absolutely crucial in ensuring he received the life-saving treatment he so badly needed. Thankfully, Geronimo is now out of danger, but he still needs ongoing treatment. He suffers...
Our meeting with the mayors in Calabria

Our meeting with the mayors in Calabria

Non uno di troppo Our meeting with the mayors in Calabria Calabria The response of local governments to my visit to Calabria was more positive than expected, and 18 mayors and councilors attended our meeting concerning stray dogs, entitled “Decalogue of a...