by Martina Girola | Aug 31, 2023 | News, News |
We have sterilized more than 800 animals in Ukraine The dispatching of food and the sterilization program for animals in Ukraine have continued during the month of August. We have sterilized more than 800 animals in Ukraine[/caption] We have sterilized more than 800...
by Martina Girola | Aug 31, 2023 | News, News |
The story of Robb and Bran, the Rasova donkeys We took two donkeys named Robb and Bran into our shelter after a lady from Rasova asked us to help her. The winters are always harsh in Romania following the dry summer months, especially in the Dobrogea area. Hay is very...
by Martina Girola | Aug 31, 2023 | News, News |
Support from the Dr. Fulvia Anelli Fund for the Friends on the Streets project is up and running The Dr. Fulvia Anelli Fund is supporting our Friends on the Streets project by contributing to the veterinary expenses of the dogs belonging to the homeless that we...
by Martina Girola | Aug 31, 2023 | News |
Do you work or volunteer with animals? Join us at the 23rd edition of the ICAWC conference! From 3-5 October we will be in Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus, attending the 23rd International Companion Animal Welfare Conference (ICAWC), which is held annually in a...
by Martina Girola | Jul 27, 2023 | News, News, ucraina |
Wendy's story, from a precipice in Cernavoda to adoption We found Wendy abandoned in a ravine in Cernavoda, Romania. This is the story of her transformation at our shelter. We found Wendy one morning in springtime. She was huddled in a ravine in Cernavoda, Romania, so...
by Martina Girola | Jul 27, 2023 | News, News |
“Friends On The Streets, Companions For Life”. A story of hope on the streets of Milan “My beloved Betty was six years old, but our story first began when she was only three months old. We were totally inseparable: she was my travelling companion, my partner sharing...