by Francesca | Dec 28, 2022 | News, News |
People begging with dogs on the increase in Milan, more stringent enforcement required “In the past two weeks alone, we have received 10 reports from local residents in Milan, who are growing increasingly sensitive to the living conditions of animals, about people...
by Michele Messina | Nov 24, 2022 | News |
Sara Turetta's autobiography presented in six romanian cities “The publication of my autobiography, I cani, la mia vita (‘Dogs are My Life’) in Romanian, which has been revised and expanded from the first two Italian editions and has been given a new title: “Urme de...
by Michele Messina | Nov 24, 2022 | News |
CERNAVODA - MATTEO AND MELISSA ARE SAFE When the dog-catchers took to the streets in Cernavoda, we decided it was time to take Matteo and Melissa to the safety of our shelter. We started up the van and drove at full speed to the town centre, but when we first arrived...
by Michele Messina | Nov 24, 2022 | News |
Helping the animals of poor families living in romanian villages Signora Aurelia Sirbu lives with her cats in Dunarea, a village not far from Cernavoda in Romania. Her home is devoid of all the essentials: electricity, heating, food, medicine. But Aurelia would do...
by Michele Messina | Nov 24, 2022 | News, ucraina |
The war in Ukraine – A winter without food and shelter for animals The most difficult season of them all lies right ahead of us: the advent of winter hails a long cold period with the prospect of no food or shelter for thousands of abandoned animals, stranded and left...
by Michele Messina | Oct 28, 2022 | News |
TOO MANY PUPPIES – Brand new equipment for the Castelvolturno outpatient clinic Since the beginning of 2022, we have been collaborating with a new partner at our “Too Many Puppies – Campania” program: the San Francesco Dog Shelter Association, which operates in Castel...