by Francesca | Aug 10, 2021 | News, News |
Lulia and Sofie saved, thanks to your help A rented house abandoned by its owners. A yard full of garbage and broken furniture. But something else was left behind along with all the rubbish. Namely, two puppies called Lulia and Sofie, and a number of cats. They were...
by Francesca | Jun 30, 2021 | News, News |
Footprints of Joy Animal welfare and the importance of their habitat Buffy’s story At 10 years old, Buffy the cat is one of our longest-standing residents. She has always had difficulties socializing with both humans and other cats: fearful of everyone, she used to...
by Francesca | Jun 30, 2021 | News, News |
Footprints of Joy The spayathon is back (sterilization marathon) Cernavoda Given the endemic nature of strays in Romania, sterilization is the only possible solution to avoid the suffering of thousands of animals and to effectively counteract the phenomenon of...
by Francesca | Jun 30, 2021 | News, News, Uncategorized @en |
Italy Meeting with junior high school students at the A. Schweitzer school in Turin Education project On 7 June, Sara Turetta was invited by the teachers of the A. Schweitzer junior high school in Turin to meet a group of students who were enthusiastic about reading...
by Francesca | Jun 7, 2021 | News, News, Uncategorized @en |
International report "Towards prohibiting the chaining of dogs" Download the English version of the Report...
by Francesca | May 28, 2021 | News |
Non Uno di Troppo Reaching out to dogs in Campania in 2020 Campania Our ongoing leitmotif: sterilization. This was the main objective which guided the #Nonunoditroppo (Too Many Puppies) project in 2020 in Campania, even during the pandemic. After the initial slowdown...