Lulia and Sofie saved, thanks to your help

Lulia and Sofie saved, thanks to your help

Lulia and Sofie saved, thanks to your help A rented house abandoned by its owners. A yard full of garbage and broken furniture. But something else was left behind along with all the rubbish. Namely, two puppies called Lulia and Sofie, and a number of cats. They were...
Reaching out to dogs in Campania in 2020

Reaching out to dogs in Campania in 2020

Non Uno di Troppo Reaching out to dogs in Campania in 2020 Campania  Our ongoing leitmotif: sterilization. This was the main objective which guided the #Nonunoditroppo (Too Many Puppies) project in 2020 in Campania, even during the pandemic. After the initial slowdown...