by Francesca | Mar 25, 2021 | News, News |
Non Uno Di Troppo Stray dogs in calabria seen up close Calabria The story of Save the Dogs’ first inspection of Calabria, where the number of stray dogs has reached alarming levels.Seriously overcrowded pounds, abandoned and stray dogs: the number of stray dogs...
by Francesca | Mar 2, 2021 | News, News, Uncategorized @en |
Footprints of Joy Urgent appeal Desperately seeking Ginger Ginger is a gorgeous, super affectionate and cuddly tomcat of about 7 years of age who is looking for a family. This might seem to be an appeal like many others we have made in the past, but in fact this is...
by Francesca | Mar 2, 2021 | News, News, Uncategorized @en |
Footprints of Joy A second chance for Ollie Cats Discovered at around three weeks old on the streets of a village near Cernavoda, Ollie was admitted to our clinic last July. Unfortunately, from the outset her eyes displayed signs of microphthalmia, a congenital...
by Francesca | Mar 2, 2021 | News, News |
Footprints of Joy A story of love and friendship Donkeys February is traditionally the month of love, and today we would like to celebrate this by telling you a very special tale. It’s a love story for Valentine’s Day, but it’s also a story that will last a...
by Francesca | Jan 29, 2021 | News, Uncategorized @en |
Equine The horses from Costanza have been saved! Discover their new lease of life After three weeks of negotiating with the Romanian authorities, we have managed to achieve an extraordinary result, thanks to the pressure we were able to exert with over 4,000...
by Francesca | Jan 29, 2021 | News, News |
Footprints of Joy Wally’s new life Romania Back in November, a seriously ill 5-month-old puppy was brought to our clinic in Cernavoda. He had been found by Canadian soldiers at the NATO base and was badly in need of our help. Follow Wally’s first few hours at...