by Francesca | Jan 13, 2020 | News, News |
Save the Dogs and other Animals Onlus Our numbers in Romania 2019: lots of sterilizations while adoptions are lowering We would like to share with our donors and partners some data about Save the Dogs work in 2019. Let’s start with Romania and the Footprints of...
by Francesca | Nov 28, 2019 | News, News |
The operation has been successful and Emma is dealing well with the post-operative period. It is still a delicate phase but the prognosis is positive and we hope to be able to take her home soon…
by Francesca | Sep 5, 2019 | News |
It was an unprecedented solidarity race that involved Save the Dogs donors and friends during the summer.The ambitious goal has been achieved and the figure will allow us to double our impact and save even the weakest puppy, the one who would not make it without our...
by Francesca | Jul 26, 2019 | News |
Too Many Puppies Naples Census of strays in the Eastern Neapolitan area New partnership for Save the Dogs, who decided to use the experience of the Stray Dogs International Project researchers (very well known for their project in Morocco) to survey the number of...
by Francesca | Jun 20, 2019 | News, News |
Equine project Stefano and Cezar Two stories of poverty and misery It took 2 months to take away Stefano from an inhuman life. He lived chained in a shack, malnourished and with unbearable pain caused by very severe arthritis. His master, a poor old man with...
by Francesca | May 20, 2019 | News, News |
When I first saw Carolina, locked up in her owner’s backyard, she was a battered white fluffy thing. The owner had always neglected her, letting the mange attack her skin, never curing her.