by Francesca | Jan 4, 2019 | News, News |
Lucrezia and her puppies, a rescue to be told! A yelp, leaves moving in the snow and a small snout emerging from under the cement. This is the scene witnessed by our operators called by a citizen who had noticed strange movements under an iced concrete sheet in the...
by Francesca | Dec 21, 2018 | News, News |
From our staff in Romania, from the Italian headquarter and from all the animals rescued by Save the Dogs … Happy Holidays! Save the Dogs Italian central office will be closed from December 22nd, 2018 to January 1st,...
by Francesca | Dec 12, 2018 | News, News |
Footprints of Joy Frost Emergency Help us save lives We knew it would come, but this year the cold weather has arrived earlier than expected. In Cernavoda, as everywhere in Romania, people and animals are struggling with a wave of frost that puts a...
by Francesca | Dec 5, 2018 | News |
After two months of absence, Green Life Recycling (now formally an NGO, but nothing has changed in substance) was recalled to Cernavoda on December 5 to mop up the town before Christmas time. As usual, the dog catchers did not focus on strays in the suburbs or...
by Francesca | Nov 27, 2018 | News, News |
In some areas of Southern Italy stray dogs represent a dramatic issue. Kennels are overcrowded and packed with puppies who – in most cases – will never find a family. Despite the commitment of thousands of volunteers, it’s very difficult to really affect the source of...
by Francesca | Sep 28, 2018 | News |
Equine project The miracle of Gregor He is safe but he needs you! GREGOR’S STORY When they found him, our vets could count his ribs and all his bones one by one. This foal was little more than two weeks old when his owner left him in the ditch where he had...