by Francesca | May 30, 2023 | News, News |
Ukraine: more than 40 animals sterilized Just one month after starting the new project in Ukraine, we have succeeding in sterilizing 44 animals (including dogs and cats) in Odessa, and we have over 70 appointments scheduled for the coming weeks. 44 animals have been...
by Martina Girola | Apr 27, 2023 | News, News |
Distemper epidemic in Cernavoda. What we are doing to stem the spread of this disease We are facing the worst distemper outbreak in years in Cernavoda in Romania. We are doing everything we can to safeguard the lives of the animals staying at our shelter, Footprints...
by Francesca | Apr 27, 2023 | News, News, ucraina |
We have begun our sterilization program in Ukraine. The goal: 1,000 animals in six months One thousand animals in six months. That is the target we want to reach with our new sterilization project in Ukraine. After the outbreak of war, thousands of cats and dogs were...
by Francesca | Apr 27, 2023 | News, News |
Connecting Lives: we welcome young visitors and inmates to our shelter for the first time Two of the Connecting Lives program’s most important projects are now up and running. We were thrilled to welcome young visitors and inmates for their first visit to our shelter...
by Francesca | Apr 27, 2023 | News, News |
A new lease of life for dogs rescued from the war in Ukraine During our last mission in Ukraine we met up with Olga, the founder of the Loving Hearts shelter in Odessa. This name will probably sound familiar to many of you: it is the shelter which we rescued 30 dogs...
by Francesca | Feb 28, 2023 | News, News, ucraina |
Save the Dogs' first mission in Ukraine It was a very early start. It was practically deserted in Cernavoda that morning as we loaded all our supplies and everything we needed for Save the Dogs’ first mission to Ukraine. Destination: Odessa, which had been our...