We are introducing a special program:

For over 20 years, our mission has been to protect animals and safeguard their rights.
Today, more than ever, your support is critical in helping us create the one thing we believe in more than anything else: namely, a relationship of mutual respect between humans and animals.
Help us to launch CONNECTING LIVES , Save the Dogs‘ brand-new program aimed at helping people, animals and communities. It is only by introducing this initiative that we can ensure we provide veterinary care and treatment, as well as raising awareness among adults and children about respecting animals.
It’s the only way for us to change the world, together!
Here’s how your aid can change the fate of countless lives.
Provides medical care (vaccines, sterilization, microchips and anti-parasitic treatments) for cats and dogs in the poorest villages.
Helps support our door-to-door outreach initiatives all year long.
Invests in educating children in Italy and Romania, working towards a future where the dignity of animals is fully respected.
Here’s how your aid can change the fate of countless lives.
With a donation
of 18 €
Provides medical care (vaccines, sterilization, microchips and anti-parasitic treatments) for cats and dogs in the poorest villages.
With a donation
of 30 €
Opens up the doors of our shelter to the most vulnerable members of the community.
With a donation
of 50 €
With a donation
of 76 €
Invests in educating children in Italy and Romania, working towards a future where the dignity of animals is fully respected.

Together we can make the world a better place for animals and people alike!
CONNECTING LIVES is Save the Dogs‘ new program aimed at helping people, animals and communities.
It is only by introducing fully integrated initiatives that combine assisting the most fragile animals and helping people at the same time that we can truly make the world a better place for every living being.

We aim to launch a door-to-door campaign in the countryside around Cernavoda, Romania, where poverty makes living conditions extremely difficult, starting in the villages of Cochirleni and Dealul Vifor.

We are convinced that making changes today principally starts with children, who are the adults of tomorrow. This is why we would like to introduce the theme of living responsibly with animals into the school curriculum.

We wish to offer special help for children with disabilities who, living in the most remote villages of Romania, are all too often considered a taboo subject and are kept hidden away at home.

Save the Dogs reaches out to assist equines that are working livestock but that are not receiving basic care, food, water and rest.

People help animals, and animals help people. Going full cycle and offering well-being that benefits both parties, the Save the Dogs’ shelter will be opening its doors to inmates from the Poarta Alba prison. The time the inmates spend volunteering is aimed at assisting their integration back into society.

We would like to start up an awareness and educational project aimed at young people living in conditions of degradation and poverty in Castel Volturno, a town which is just a stone’s throw away from the so-called “land of fire”.
Pledge your support where it is most needed!
Help us to assist the most vulnerable members of the community, help us to take good care of their pets.
Here’s how your aid can change the fate of countless lives.
Provides medical care (vaccines, sterilization, microchips and anti-parasitic treatments) for cats and dogs in the poorest villages.
Opens up the doors of our shelter to the most vulnerable members of the community.
Helps support our door-to-door outreach initiatives all year long.
Invests in educating children in Italy and Romania, working towards a future where the dignity of animals is fully respected.
Here’s how your aid can change the fate of countless lives.
With a donation
of 18 €
With a donation
of 30 €
Opens up the doors of our shelter to the most vulnerable members of the community.
With a donation
of 50 €
Helps support our door-to-door outreach initiatives all year long.
With a donation
of 76 €
Invests in educating children in Italy and Romania, working towards a future where the dignity of animals is fully respected.
Support the project
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