Do you know 67,000 people who are willing to adopt a puppy?
If the answer is no, then you support sterilization just as we do.
The number of puppies born is much higher than one might imagine
67,000 animals in six years. This figure highlights the impact of not conducting sterilizing programs. These are estimates, but with our 20 years of field experience, we can confirm that the number of puppies born is much higher than one might imagine. Here’s an explanation.
67,000 puppies in just six years
On average, a female dog has two litters a year, resulting in the birth of 6-10 puppies per litter, a total of about 16 puppies annually. Assuming all these puppies survive to adulthood and breed themselves, this would mean 128 puppies in two years, 2,048 puppies in four years, and 67,000 after just six years.
Read Also: We have vaccinated 262 dogs belonging to the poorest families in Cernavoda
At this time of the year in particular, during the breeding season, our shelter is inundated with unwanted or unexpected puppies, and even more are left on the streets.
This underscores the importance of sterilization: not just for stray cats and dogs, but especially for privately-owned dogs that are allowed to roam freely and breed uncontrollably.
The majority of these animals will not go on to be adopted
Of all these dogs being born, only a tiny fraction will be adopted, while the majority will be doomed to a life of suffering on the streets or in shelters.
It is for this reason that we promote sterilization campaigns in Italy, Romania, and Ukraine: sterilization tackles the root cause of overpopulation (the birth of litters) rather than just the effects (abandonment).
You can support us by making a donation: every donation received by 31 July will be doubled.