New stables for the horses from CostanzaWith the arrival of the 10 rescued horses from Costanza, it became necessary to expand the existing stables at our Footprints of Joy sanctuary. In total, we now have 20 horses, and we are building 3 new facilities so that we can look after injured horses and new arrivals more easily. We will shortly have 1 large stable and 2 smaller quarantine stables.
Work is well under way, and the large new barn is already finished! The two quarantine stables will be constructed over the coming weeks.
The construction of these new stables was only made possible thanks to the incredible support of our partners (the Susy Utzinger Foundation and Hunhdjalpen) and our supporters, who not only responded to our call for help by signing the petition, but also provided initial help with food and care for the horses.

So far, food and forage for the 10 horses has cost around 5,000 Euros, plus the additional expense of vitamins, medicines and the fees for the farrier who trimmed their hooves.
One of the horses was suffering from colic and needed special treatment, but thanks to the care of our staff he has made a good recovery and has been able to rejoin the rest of his friends in the tranquility of our sanctuary.
We were well aware that taking in the horses from Costanza horses would signify a major commitment on behalf of our staff, but we did not shy away from the challenge, secure in the support we knew we would receive from Save the Dogs’ most loyal friends.
Once again, the help of our supporters is fundamental in enabling us to continue to take care of these 10 horses.