
Prevention and care

Nala wants to go home...

… and you will be the one to accompany her!

Check out her storyDonate now

Nala wants to go home...

... and you will be the one to accompany her!
Donate now

She is only a few months old and she is so sweet! She looks like a little bear. Nala was rescued a few days ago in a deprived area of Cernavoda in Romania, scared and hungry.

Now the puppy has to pass some tests to check for infections or diseases. If the outcome is negative, she will fly as soon as possible to his adoptive family; otherwise she will stay with us until her recovery.

Every dog entering our clinic goes through the same process Nala is going through, while each spring all the animals hosted at Footprints of Joy are protected by dirofilariasis and other vectorborne diseases.

INFECTION PREVENTION AND CURE: it’s one of Save the Dogs’ fundamental principles that allow us sending for adoption only healthy animals, respecting the families that welcome them and the dogs that they will meet in the destination countries.

With your donation, you can give many dogs like Nala the opportunity to go home.

If you share our principles, support us with a RECURRING DONATION

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