Save the Dogs presents: Alessandra, Head of Donor Development

Alessandra Mari, Head of Donor Development
When I joined Save the Dogs two years ago, I had little understanding of what it actually meant to work for an animal welfare cause, as my previous work experiences had been of a completely different nature. However, everything became crystal clear to me from the moment I first stepped into Footprints of Joy, our incredible shelter in Romania which is home to over 200 dogs, cats, donkeys, and horses.
The sanctuary is a real oasis of peace, an amazing place where animals that have been mistreated and traumatized by previous experiences are welcomed, cared for, and, most importantly of all, unconditionally loved by all the staff.
I was also reminded of my own dog, Pepita, an elderly cocker spaniel who has lived in the warmth of our family for 16 years and who has never known any kind of suffering. “What a lucky dog she is!” I thought to myself. From that moment, I knew that I had to use my skills for a cause I believed in. Seeing an abandoned dog overcome trauma and find a loving family that will look after him or her forever is the most fulfilling reward. All the hard work fades away, and you feel almost like a superhero. But then I remembered that the real superheroes are our donors, without whom our work would not be possible. These are people who share our love for animals and with whom we are building a better world for both animals and people. To all of them, we say a heartfelt “THANK YOU”!
You too can support Save the Dogs and help change the lives of so many animals who have only us to care for them: go to our website page at
Thanks to your donations, we can provide food, veterinary care, and a safe haven for thousands of animals. This is an extraordinary opportunity to make a real difference to these defenseless animals’ lives!