Sponsor a dog

Save the Dogs considers its facilities transit places for the animals we rescue from the streets or from abuses and tries to make them spend inside the shelters only the necessary time for them to find an adoptive family.
Some animals though stay with us for longer: it’s about old dogs, sick dogs or dogs with behavioral problems who need longer assistance.
These dogs are the protagonists of the long distance adoption program and they all need your help.
Feeding a dog in Romania cost us approximately €15 per month, an amount that allows us to buy the necessary food and to offer the dogs we rescue the hope for a better future.
Important note: each of our dogs may have more than one distance adopter. In this case, with the monthly payment, we will be able to also help the other dogs who transit in our clinic for some caring or waiting to be adopted. For further details write us at adozioniadistanza@savethedogs.eu.

Make your donation
Set up a recurring donation with credit card or make a single donation
(we ask to cover at least 3 month - 45 euros - if you choose single donation)

Stay in touch with your friend at distance
After the first donation, you will receive the certificate of adoption, with photos and history.
We will periodically send you updates on your friend's progress.

Help another animal
You can choose to help another needy guest even when the animal you have chosen
will no longer be in the distance adoptions program.
Single donation
By Credit Card
By bank money transfer
Credito Valtellinese