
The Board

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Sara Turetta

Founder and President

In 2001, after years of voluntary work in various kennels in Milan, Sara decided to devote herself full-time to the desperate condition of Romanian strays, a situation which she herself had discovered during an upsetting summer trip in August of the same year. At that time Sara was working in a prestigious advertising agency.

In 2002 she left her job in order to manage the newly born sterilization project in Cernavoda, which if left in the hands of local Romanian associations would have failed for certain.

Since then Sara has been splitting her life between Italy and Romania, managing the headquarters in Milan and lobbying at an international level.

Prizes and awards

2011 Prize Donne, Pace e Ambiente – Wangaari Mathai (discover more)
2012 Cavaliere dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia
(discover more)
2014 Jeanne Marchig Award
Clarissa Baldwin International Award for Excellence in Animal Welfare

Sergio Sellitto

Board Member and Treasurer

Sergio is a hospital surgeon and independent practitioner. A lifelong animal lover, he was a volunteer with a large animal protection organization for 25 years, where he served as National Vice President and National Treasurer. 

He has been the Director of a number of rescue shelters in northern and central Italy. 
He has also been a member of the ‘Consiglio Randagismo’ advisory board for stray animals in the Lombardy Region. 

He lives in the province of Varese in the company of his 12 dogs and 5 cats.

Barbara Massa

Board member and vice-president

Always passionate about nature and animals, with a special interest in ethology and botany, Barbara has made her passion a profession.

After a stint as a volunteer in kennels and shelters in Italy and abroad, she has been working in the field of equine welfare and protection internationally since 2007. In 2009 she trained in the field of Animal Assisted Interventions, later specializing as a donkey coadjutor and managing targeted projects for people with special needs and children.

For 12 years she was head of the Italy office of the British association The Donkey Sanctuary, later becoming Director of all offices in Europe.

Luigi Corbella

Board of Control

Born in Monza in 1967, Luigi Corbella is a certified public accountant, auditor and freelance journalist.

A great expert in the Third Sector, over the years he has collaborated, from a professional point of view and for strategic consulting, with numerous organizations especially in the health and social-health sector, as well as prominent foundations: Caritas Ambrosiana, Fondazione Opera Aiuto Fraterno, Fondazione ISMU, Fondazione Feltrinelli and Fondazione Mondadori.
A lover of dogs and nature, he regularly writes about Non-Profit for various newspapers (including Avvenire and Il Sole 24 Ore) and his participation in specialized conferences and conventions of national relevance are countless.