
Sterilization intervention in Castel Volturno: the “Too Many Puppies” project in action

Too Many Puppies - Castel Volturno

Intervention in Castel Volturno

On World Sterilization Day, we carried out an important sterilization intervention free of charge for a feral cat colony in Castel Volturno as part of our “Too Many Puppies” program. This initiative aims to take targeted action in the area in order to reduce the number of stray animals in an ethical and effective manner, improving the quality of life for cats and encouraging a more peaceful coexistence within the community.

As part of the initiative, we trained volunteers in the humane capture and release of the cats, which is an important yet delicate task, especially with regard to wild cats. While some local residents were taking care of the colony, none of the cats had been sterilized, which was causing their numbers to grow and was leading to higher risks of diseases and ongong conflicts with those living nearby.

Working with our local partner, the Rifugio Del Cane San Francesco shelter, we were able to carry out the intervention swiftly using the appropriate equipment, such as trap cages and recovery pens, ensuring the safety and effectiveness of the mission.

Despite the challenging weather conditions, which made the capture process more difficult, we were able to treat approximately half of the colony. The cats were sterilized at the Rifugio’s veterinary center, where surgeries are performed to the highest standards, which are crucial for stabilizing the colonies and ensuring their good health upon release.

Our approach is based on the TNR (Trap-Neuter-Return) method, a responsible and effective way to stabilize urban feral cat colonies, ensuring their well-being while respecting respecting their wild nature.