Too Many Puppies: a day of complimentary sterilizations in Campania
“These are all the names of the people who will be coming to have their pets sterilized. Some are volunteers who monitor dogs in the area, but there are also many owners who have realized how important it is to carry out this procedure“. These words were spoken by Gabriella, the Director of the San Francesco Dog Shelter in Castel Volturno, Campania, with whom we share a partnership with our Too Many Puppies program. Gabriella then flicked through an agenda bursting full of names and dates that she treasures very carefully.

One of the stray dogs neutered by San Francesco Dog Shelter
How the day of sterilizations in Campania went
It was not even 9:00 a.m. when the door buzzer at the Refuge began to ring. Outside the door, a group of volunteers and local residents stood waiting patiently for their turn.
Learn more on Too Many Puppies
This scene is repeated twice weekly, on the days when the shelter opens its doors to offer complimentary sterilizations. Thanks to our Too Many Puppies program, we cover all expenses, giving families who normally could not afford it and volunteers who monitor strays in the area the opportunity to have this procedure carried out.
Sterilizations in Campania are key to combating the phenomenon of stray animals
“We see case after case every day of dogs being brought to us for sterilization when they have already produced litters,” Gabriella explained to us. “This has to stop”. Privately-owned dogs giving birth to large litters are one of the biggest problems: very often the puppies are not wanted, and the families cannot afford to keep them all. This means they either end up abandoning them or they have them placed in ad hoc adoption situations that don’t always work out.
Read also: Calabria: developments in the new law regarding strays
The only way to avoid this is for them to be spayed and neutered early. The Shelter and our volunteers work in tandem to promote this message to the public and to reach out to families who have not yet brought their animals to us.

Bella has been neutered by the San Francesco Dog Shelter thanks to our program Too Many Puppies
“I schedule appointments according to individual need,” continued Gabriella. “If I know a particular animal is at risk, I try to fit them in as soon as possible. Conversely, if I know that the cat or dog lives in a protected environment, I give them a later appointment”.
Read also: Schizzo’s routine in Castel Volturno
There is a long waiting list, but the volunteers remain undeterred. “The program is absolutely essential. All these animals would be destined to carry on producing litters for the rest of their lives if you didn’t exist, and who knows what would happen to their puppies and kittens,” explained one of the people who came to spay two cats she monitors in the area. “Thank you, on our behalf, but especially on behalf of all of these creatures”.